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Pumpkin seed muffins⁠

Icon ZutatenIngredients

⁠-300g peeled, diced Hokkaido pumpkin⁠
-150g wheat flour⁠
-50g PURYA raw protein⁠
-1 teaspoon baking soda⁠
-1 teaspoon baking powder⁠
-100g applesauce⁠
-1 ripe banana⁠⁠
-1tsp speculoos spice⁠
-20g almond butter⁠
-20g pumpkin seeds⁠

PURYA Vegan Protein Drink Raw

Icon ZubereitungMethod

Boil the pumpkin in water for approx. 15 minutes until it get soft. Then puree and work with the remaining ingredients to form a smooth dough. If you like it a bitsweeter, you can also add a little bit of date paste. Bake the muffins in the oven at 175 ° for about 35 minutes.